TIL in 2011 when Lisa Lampanelli learned the Westboro Baptist Church planned to protest one of her shows. She promised to donate $1000 for every WBC member that showed up. Ultimately 44 members showed up, and she donated $50,000 to charity with the memo stating “Donation made possible by the WBC”

"Meddle in politics?" You mean state their opinions, as is their First Amendment right? Get real dude. You can't censor somebody just because they disagree with you. Plenty of churches on the south side of Chicago openly promoted Obama in direct opposition to the rules and I didn't hear a peep out of anyone over this.

You forget the part where they give money to groups to lobby on behalf of what they want. easy way to get around the rule of playing politics while being a "charity". Prop 8 was a good example of this. However, I gotta congratulate you on that nice whataboutism you got going there.

So can you. So can anyone. So we are all equal. Oh.. are you under the misapprehension that only one political party violates peoples' rights? How cute.

Yes, but i'm not tax exempt and not posing as a charity. I pay my taxes, so I have a right to donate to play politics. Also, not sure where you got the idea that I said one side is better or worse than the other. Clearly just said a church, if it wants to play politics, should pay taxes.

It is perfectly legal to discuss issues that happen to be part of a political platform while maintaining non-profit status. This is available to all non-profits, not just churches.

They can discuss it, sure. Endorsing candidates, giving money to groups that will lobby on their behalf? No.

That's terrible. If only I could not give money to churches who do that. Oh wait, that's exactly how it works. I don't have to give any money at all to churches who do that. Make it a tax and I no longer get that option, but you somehow think that's better?

You're correct, I don't have to, nor do I give to a church. However, money saved from not paying taxes, that is then used to fund things like this is the same as if I gave them money. At least with tax money I'm allowed to vote for a candidate that will spend it in a way I see fit. im not allowed to do that with a church, yet im forced to sit by and watch them mess with a government.

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