TIL A 30,000 Year Old Virus Was Found to Still Be Infectious After It Was Isolated from Siberian Permafrost

Well the mass shooting panic, when looked at objectively, is media overhype at best and straight lies at worst. Especially when you look at what stories were broadcast for weeks and which stories didn’t grab the public’s attention.

Basically if it wasn’t a he or it wasn’t a rifle, it was a normal news story for most outlets.

I wish we’d do something serious about them but no one wants to do anything but ban all guns or argue why no guns should be banned.

Instead they could look into why the air force didn’t tell the FBI about a domestic abuser, or why the ATF is still running operations involving giving felons or cartels weapons and “trying to trace them”

Is it really that bad to ask for a firearm safety and history class while we’re trying to teach kids about depression and whatnot? We could throw in marksmanship training and suddenly the militia is well regulated, or in working order as it was defined when written.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - pnas.org