TIL that after the Atari port of Missile Command sold over 2 million copies, they gave the developer a free turkey, which prompted him to leave the company

Simple, even though it was a bit of a dick move at worst, and misguided at best, do the job you're hired to do. Then if your employer sees fit to give you extra outside of your contracted wage, either take it and say thanks, take it and throw it away and have a bitch about them to you colleagues over lunch, or decline and say you've no use for that particular item.

Also, it's highly doubtful the head of Atari personally gave him a turkey, it was probably his immediate line manager/department head who was working within a set budget for congratulatory items. And he was hardly a target as such, only if this was a premeditated move, whereas this seems more reactionary.

Walking out over something you weren't guaranteed to get in the first place, or because you feel insulted that any extra you do get is not enough, is why I called him ungrateful.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org