TIL After Mark David Chapman murdered John Lennon, he stayed at the scene reading Catcher in the Rye until police arrived.

Amazingly Mark Chapman was only moments away from giving up on his alleged target and had already started to walk away when John and Yoko pulled up to entrance to Dakota in their limo. If he had left his next intended target was said to be David Bowie who was at that time performing in Broadway production of Elephant Man. They found a front row seat ticket to play in his hotel room after shooting dated 11 December, the day after he shot John Lennon. Even more amazing John and Yoko also had front row tickets to go see the play on that exact same day meaning on 11 December there were three empty seats in front row of Elephant Man, two were John and Yoko and other was his murderer. Just think, in an alternative reality John and Yoko both witnesses death of David Bowie something that I know would of killed John Lennon inside, having already only barely come to terms with loss of two of his closest friends and his mother, that's why as a fan I know it was probably better off that he went instead of David Bowie. As horrifically fucking awful as this sounds, he would of wanted it that way ...

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org