TIL Caitlyn Jenner caused a car crash that killed a woman while towing a vehicle. The case was settled with no charges..

I was using beyelzu as my online handle when dial up was still the primary way people got on the web.

I don't know what your home town being pro acceptance means, nor am I sure what you mean about "you guys are just now getting marijuana."

I live in San Jose, while California did just pass recreational use, we had medical for quite some time. But I moved here three years ago and Georgia where I am from is fairly backwards. None of that has fuckall to do with whether or not you personally are scared or threatened.

Calling people what they want to be called, referring to them as they want to be referred to isn't some horrible thing. It is only catering to them as it shows them the same respect that we should show everybody. Your appeal to absurdity (sexually identifying as a waffle) shows your ignorance about gender and sexuality.

Your earlier garbage about you "can put horns on a duck, don't make it a cow" shows a real ignorance of biology.

I am happy to discuss the biology in depth, it is actually in my wheelhouse since I am a microbiologist.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - abc7chicago.com