TIL that eugenics didn't work because the Nazis weren't thorough enough

There was nobody actually endorsing eugenics or that the Nazis should have gone farther, and I honestly just took the title from a few sarcastic comments I found, but here's a few:

  • Most likely, a significantly lower percentage of actual schizophrenics were diagnosed 70 years ago. Today, public awareness and diagnostic tools are much better. So it wasn't 73-100% of actual schizophrenics that were sterilized/killed, but 73-100% of known schizophrenics, and the gap between those two lists may have been significant.

He or she is probably right, but if they did kill what seems to still be a significant number of schizophrenics, wouldn't there at least be some variance in modern day numbers?

Isn't this only 6 years worth of sterilization though? Is that enough time to wipe a generation of an inherited trait? I'm not advocating for this obviously but curious.

The reply to this is honestly what led to me making the post.

That's not what he said. The theories of genetic heritability of schitzophrenia may be erroneous but 6 years would not be long enough to diagnose and eradicate all sufferers if the genetic theory had been correct. The Nazis would have need to have continually screened their entire population regularly.

"would have need to have continually screened their entire population" aka worked a little harder.

The "only 6 years" comment above made me think about that. As far as the science goes, they didn't do enough, they should have killed siblings, parents, cousins, etc of schizophrenics, over many decades to ensure it was entirely weeded out, then see what affect it had. As far as the humanity of that idea goes, of course it's appalling.

Same as above.

That's not really surprising since the people they killed would have been in asylums and thus were extremely unlikely to have ever reproduced. Because of that it doesn't rule out a genetic cause of schizophrenia or really offer any insight beyond what we already know.

More claims that maybe it wasn't enough evidence to prove anything.

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