TIL Jainism is a religion so dedicated to non-violence that some Jains cover their mouths and sweep the path they walk to avoid killing smaller creatures. An extremist Jain literally wouldn't hurt a fly.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • According to Adian Rankin, the concept of Ahis is so much intertwined with Jainism that it conjures up images of ascetics who cover their mouths and sweep the ground before them with small brushes to avoid injuring the most minuscule forms of life and Jain-owned animal sanctuaries where even the sickest, most deformed birds and beasts are protected and cherished.

  • This seemingly extreme behaviour of the monks comes from a sense that every action, no matter however subtle, has a karmic effect which can bind soul and inhibit liberation, especially those that result in his.

  • [7] According to Adian Rankin, the concept of Ahis is so much intertwined with Jainism that it conjures up images of ascetics who cover their mouths and sweep the ground before them with small brushes to avoid injuring the most minuscule forms of life and Jain-owned animal sanctuaries where even the sickest, most deformed birds and beasts are protected and cherished.

  • Tying up, injuring, mutilating, burdening with heavy load and depriving from food and drinks any animal or human being with a mind polluted by anger and other passions are the five aticra or transgressions of the vow of Ahis.

  • While Jainism enjoins observance of total nonviolence by the ascetics, it is often argued that the man is constantly obliged to engage in destructive activities of eating, drinking, breathing and surviving in order to support his body.

Here are some relevant news items:credits to u-sr33

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