TIL that a member of the National Guard was accused of kidnapping and raping a woman. He lost his job, wasn’t allowed to deploy with his team and began suffering health issues. The woman later admitted that she lied and the sex was consensual. She was sentenced to 32 days jail.

There is a huge difference between believing someones story, and having proof that it happened. I don't believe anyone on either side until there is proof. Heresay is a powerful thing. If someone brings information about a possible rape, I would act accordingly and gather facts about the issue. You can definitely be raped by a family member or close friend, infact from what I understand(and I could be wrong) A majority(by majority I mean 50%+) of rapes are done by those people. But, I wouldn't run either persons name through the mud until true proof was given and it was time for justice to be served.

Let me tell you a story, one I thought I would post from a throwaway, but this seems like as good a time as any.

When I was in High school I was madly in love(or so I thought) with this girl in my class. We messed around for 3 years from sophomore to senior(we were the same age, in the same graduating class). During this time she was dating another guy, and they dated literally the entire time we were messing around. Late in our senior year she came over to my house before school and we had consensual sex. I had found out later that day that her freaky ass boyfriend had followed her to my house and put 2 and 2 together. He confronted her later that day, and instead of dealing with the issue and telling him the truth, she said I raped her.

It took no more than a day before I had everyone in school looking at me like an asshole, I went from just an average guy a lot of people knew to having no friends and being shamed any time I went out in public. Someone had called the police at the time(which is understandable). After weeks of legal proceedings, and interrogation I was lined up to take the fall for her not telling the truth. Luckily, before it got to that point she finally spoke up. But guess what? I never got my friends back, I never got my life back in that town. When I go home to visit family, I'm still seen as that guy that raped her. I'd like to see any of you who are pushing back on my comment go through the same thing and feel the same way. I'll be the first to say that, Yes, I am jaded. You bet your ass I'm jaded. That doesn't mean that I think every person that says they have been raped hasn't. I just know from experience what is fair and what is not.


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