TIL that the most common national holiday around the world is independence from the British.

That is true. Much of US UK relations, like most geopolitical ones, are borne out of convenience and necessity. Britain was absolutely bankrupt and fucked after two world wars. They NEEDED US loans and support right after WW2. It's funny cause UK got fucked while the rest of (Western) Europe benefited from the Marshall Plan. Much of the stagnation and suffering of the poor in 1950s Britain was shouldering the massive debt that Americans had over the Brits. The Brits thought they could still hold on to their empire, that "hey we are buds right cause of the war right?" thing would work. They were pretty shocked when the Americans told them to fuck off, that there was a new big boy in town and it ain't the Brits anymore.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org