TIL North Dakota residents don't need to register to vote. They just show their local ID on election day and vote.

That didn't at all show proof of a lie. We weren't discussing any type of ID with a photo on it. We were discussing valid photo ID that can be used in an election. Many of the types of ID on that link would not be valid photo ID (in the context of an election).

Also, 'we are a republic' implying that it isn't a democratic society may be the most tragically misinformed statement of the week.

Not all employers require one, if you work as a tradesman in a small town or rural area nobody is asking for a photo ID.

It's hilarious that you being petrified of everyone that isn't a white American means you get to call other people out as babies. You are terrified of non existent threads, you allow your democracy to crumble as civil liberties are removed and now you're advocating voting for someone who said he'd commit war crimes in an ibex essay war, just to quell your terror at the Unknown. He advocated renegotiating US debt, that would collapse the world economy (loss of faith in just the US housing market crashed the global economy imagine loss of faith in treasury bonds), his tax plan according liberal think tanks would rack up 12 trillion in debt And conservative think tanks themselves say 8 trillion, he thinks a religious test for entry into a secular nation is an appropriate idea - even though it's clearly unconstitutional. And yet you morons vote for him because you're scared, and ill informed. Trouncing on the centuries of work from Locke to Hume to the founding fathers to modern scholars because you've decided that your hill billy common sense is better than hundreds of years of philosophical, economic and political thought that has produced the society you are about to ruin. It's sickening, the idea that as long as you are ok it's fine to fuck anyone else.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org