TIL that a paedophile had a brain tumor removed and with it, his paedophillic tendencies. When the tumor grew again in the same spot, his paedophile urges grew once more, and disappeared once again after the second growth was surgically removed.

ITT: People who think this is some sort of apologism for kiddy fiddlers.

Is. It. Fuck. Know thy enemy. Btw they can easily test if he is lying about losing the impulses (it would have been high on the priority list obviously). It's actually very hard these days for them to fake it. Yeah science bitch.

You enemy is not these individuals, it is their behaviour and we need to know the cause of that behaviour because when we do... and we will, we will be able to eliminate it. Perhaps you think this is the slippery slope to eugenics? Well eugenics has been practiced non stop by human society since day one (yes it fucking has, don't be naive) and imo examination and elimination of this universally undesired trait is no different than genetic engineering in the womb to prevent Down's syndrome (or just give gene therapy to the parents who are predisposed to having Down' syndrome kids if that sits better with you, that'll be a thing pretty soon anyway, go look that up Billy).

It's not sympathy for the predator to examine the cause of his or her predation. We must be clinical about this. This is a highly undesirable condition in the human animal, we agree on that yes? Then let us take steps to identify the cause and remove it. Most of you would be happy to see them shot in the head and done with no? Well why not use them for research like this instead? Imagine if we could use something like CRISPR to just turn it off before they are even born. POOF! Gone, eliminated from society forever, all it takes is a single generation. And without sacrificing an individual's potential.

Tl;dr Listen Cleetus, for every one you shoot in the balls there are a million more born who won't even begin to prey on kids until you are long dead.

You are trying to empty the ocean with a thimble numbnuts all you care about is vengance, your own personal satisfaction that justice has been done. You don't give a rat's ass about the victims really.

Science like this offers a way to eradicate the trait from the human race overnight. Forever. Hand them over and let it do it's work.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - usatoday30.usatoday.com