TIL post-Election Day political shitposting is okay if Trump wins.

I'm not a fan of the "safe space" idea, but I am a fan of being allowed to call out stuff as offensive if I so choose. You can find whatever you like funny, but I'm similarly free to express that I find it tasteless.

Fact of the matter is, I only come to /r/guns to discuss guns, not read off-color jokes or political rants. I don't know what the purpose of /r/me_irl is, but if it's like /r/imgoingtohellforthis, the tasteless jokes are part and parcel of the community. The community description here specifically states to keep political posts in the politics threads. IMO that is a good compromise for those that do enjoy such posts within the /r/guns community, but the posts I'm mentioning break those rules. I've not seen a sticky or mod post saying the rules have been suspended either. In fact, the post I was referring to broke two rules - it was a meme/image macro and a political post.

The reason I dislike such "comedy" is that it serves to make people struggling with the issue feel like they should just "get over it" or that it's "not a big deal". Some people deal with issues with comedy, others struggle a lot more and the "comedy" just piles on the hurt. You're speaking to both groups here and I don't think the lulz from the one outweigh the hurt from the other, given the intended purpose of this sub.

I'd honestly prefer to just talk about guns here without getting into politics and such. Unfortunately, guns are highly politicized these days, but I think most of us agree on the political aspects of gun rights regardless of how we might feel about the politicians overall.

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