TIL Showman and businessman PT Barnum was frustrated with how long people lingered in his museum’s exhibits. He posted signs that said 'This Way to the Egress'. He knew most of the visitors would follow them not knowing 'Egress' meant 'Exit'. They couldn’t re-enter without paying the entry fee again

So Hitler is a horrible person

So Hitler is a horrible person even though a lot of Germans were anti-Jews at the time as well. And P.T. Barnum was an asshole for owning slaves even though a bunch of people at the time owned slaves. Thank you for agreeing with me.

but imagine if we just took your view of you can’t change and forgiveness doesn’t exist.

I didn't say that. I argued that P.T. Barnum knew what he was doing was wrong, but still did it anyway for personal gain. Therefore, he was an asshole during the time that he owned a slave. Maybe he stopped being an asshole at some point, but that doesn't mean that he was once an asshole.

So no one experiences personal growth and if they were ever a horrible person they stay that way forever. So do you think if you commit a crime should just be executed on the spot since will never learn from it and change once a criminal always a criminal?

No. But I would still call a criminal an asshole for committing a crime while knowing that the crime is harmful to others even if other criminals were doing the same crime at that time. Do I think assholes are capable of stop being an asshole during different periods of their lives. Of course. Every asshole is capable for not being an asshole sometimes. But that doesn't invalidate my argument. People are still capable of being an asshole at times and it's perfectly valid to call them out for being an asshole during the times that they were being assholes.

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