TIL that the "Star Wars kid" (Ghyslain Raza) is graduated from law school and since 2013 he's trying to help other who suffer bullying

The video was certainly funny to watch, as I think any video of basically ANY of us doing silly pretend-stuff as kinds would be. It's really a shame he got so much putrid hate from people. I'll never understand why anyone would bother like that, it's so over the line. Just a kid having fun in la-la land, you know? Shit, I'm not even above admitting I will run around the house with my light saber and play with my dog when I finally have the house to myself.

Anyways, I gave the video a good chuckle when I first saw it, but this was something that I'd wondered about. The kid obviously didn't intend for it to go public and I kind of just assumed it probably wouldn't end well for him. Sad to hear that was in fact what happened, although it's wonderful to see that he took the negativity and is doing something helpful with it. Cyber bullying is a pretty shitty phenomenon and I've seen some seriously batshit crazy people hyper-focus on someone who is by all intents and purposes, just an innocent person doing a benign thing.

I mean, jesus, let people live their lives. Fucking christ, is there NOTHING better to do than send death threats to some 12 year old you've never and will never meet? Fuckin get a hobby, geesh (and not bullying, that's not a god damn hobby).

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - telegraph.co.uk