Zero Fucks Friday 19-05-17 // 05-19-17

The Creatures are dead to me.

This thread basically summed up everything I wanted to type. R.I.P. to The Creatures. Lol.

I'm gonna cut all the "I've been watching for this long" shit, because no one wants to hear that for the 120th time, I'm not gonna address the state of their videos, I'm not gonna address my personal opinion on their content, I'm going to be completely objective and only deal with the numbers.

To everyone who says "The hate comments should just fuck off and never come back" that's not going to happen. You do realize they've got 1.1mil subs who subbed when certain creators were around and now have less than 2% of their subscriber base still watching, it's only safe to say that if those projections stay the same (and I haven't even addressed the rate at which the subs are leaving) that you're gonna see a LOT more of those comments like "What happened to the channel". If 100 people left every day (conservative) and just 1 person took the time to write that and we went all the way down to their standard video views, you're talking somewhere in the ballpark of 10,000 to 11,000 More comments about it, if just 1 in 100 people commented about it. Do you still wanna argue that they're doing alright? When you're dealing with a situation like that, it's only safe to say you're not doing something right.

Everyone used to write it off as blind hate on YouTube yet browse through their sub or even the RT sub and see just how unhappy everyone is. Why are you blindly defending them still? I'm not gonna call you guys children and butt hurt kids that can't move on (though I wish you'd show the ones who critique the same respect) but clearly people have legitimate grievances with this group and how they're running, so what do we do? Clearly they aren't reading any of these, they don't care to address any of it, I'm assuming they're hoping it'll all blow over yet it just looks like they're moving further and further into their "cave" and moving away from any sort of criticism. Which is a shame because I'm sure there's at least one or two people who would like to speak out, but can't. Let's see..

• Still no consistent upload schedule •Uploading one 50 sec vid for that 24 hours (rubbed some people the wrong way couple times) •Not keeping up with updating your community •Failing to address anything in those updates •Waiting until the very last minute (when speculation has already run rampant) to do practically anything •Not taking 1 minute out of your day to dispel any damaging rumours about the group and allowing it to spiral out of control (Joe's absence) •The apparent lack of effort in their videos and now their community engagement

Those are some brief points and now here are some more of suggestions that were made and none addressed, showing how easily they could've picked up on something from the community: •Million dollars but.., •Mead •CT on iTunes (been asking years for that to be completed as far as I know) •RT first •Their website •RT website •Joe •Updates that actually have substance rather than blanket PR moves •Dinotopia •The set for "TheHubCast" •Bringing back "TheHub" (I don't care for this, just listing what I remember the community wanted)

And that's what I can remember. I'm sure there's tons I've left out or forgotten, but I'm writing this 1st thing in the morning, 5:43, before coffee and before I can proof read this. Apologies for the disorganized format.

I'm really not blindly hating on this group, as you can tell, I've withheld my own opinion for fear of turning this thread into weaponized cancer. I'm simply pointing out the data and what the viewers have mentioned and asked for, while pointing out how long it's gone unanswered. To the rest of the viewers.. I'm sorry. I really am. None of us expected this quick pitfall and surely none of us expected the excuses to carry on a year down the road, I'm just sorry that the community was torn apart and are now freely attacking one another over their opinions. It's a shame and all-the-while the guys' are just backing themselves into a corner.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread