TIL that Steven Bradbury won a gold medal in 2002 Salt Lake City Olimpycs in speed skating, because everyone in front of him crashed. 3 races in a row.

Uhh... IQ? Did you really just cite your 8 year old IQ and say you won't be paying for college...?

Yes, that is half of what I said. I also mentioned he was a good athlete. I could have said that he learned to read by himself when he was 2 and that even though he is in 3rd grade he is doing high school math.

As to convincing him how smart he is? I dont have to. He is very aware that he is smart and is still one of the most popular kids in class and studies on his own without even having to be told.

He is humble and has a great heart. He works hard at no matter what he does. He is well adjusted and well liked.

Now, As for you. My guess is you are not well adjusted or well liked. You think that taking half of a sentence out of context somehow gives you any insight into me or my childs life is very narcissistic. My guess is you had awful parents and seem to think that you must offer advice where it is not warranted to make you somehow feel better about the mistakes you and your parents made.

I was having a conversation with another individual about my son. Yes this is reddit and you are allowed to read them but perhaps you should use your head a little bit before you post something like this.

So here it is again and you can fuck off after reading it.

My son is a good athlete and has a 146 IQ, which will probably go up, so I will not be paying for college. He is going to get a full ride somewhere because of his academic and his athleticism.

As a teacher myself I know that the use of IQ along with many other rubiks are very helpful in guiding a child into the learning environments that work best for them.

So please, for the sake of my kid, do not get caught up in shit you do not know about and raise your own kids, if you can find some girl who will put up with your bullshit, the way you want to. How about we tell every kid they are same and make sure advance students don't learn any faster than the slower students. That would just be unfair.

Now. Fuck off you are going on ignore for being a narcissistic asshole.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - olympic.org