TIL that a Texas man was executed for murdering his three children even after it was discovered that the prosecutor had hidden evidence from the defense that exonerated the man.

Hey Charterworth this is not in any way directed towards you. But the coward you replied to deleted his troll comment during me writing this and i thought i should post my comment for anyone interested. Apology's for any confusion. I think we agree anyway

Here's what i wrote to him---

---You're either a stupid fucking troll or too inept to be bothered to read the ENTIRE article!! Ignorant fucks like you deserve a fucking slap in the face.

-What is this so called evidence that exonerated him?- The fact that evidence was grievously misheld says something about the prosecution does it not? But to entertain your fuckstickerry I'll explain further as i actually read all of the article.

-The pool patterns are inconclusive as the same patterns emerge when flashover happens. Flashover is when fire from one source heats up a room to the point where the entire room spontaneously combusts.

-The liquid accelerant was only actually found in one location (The front door by a BBQ that had been wrongly removed before investigation). The prosecution exaggerated that thay had positive results for the whole crime scene. Yet later admitted they were confused as to why the test results came back negative for the rest of the house.

-If you've never been in a fire i doubt you would understand what its like to crawl around in a fucking blaze. Even if its your own home fight or flight tells you to GTFO. Towards the very end of the article this is even mentioned.

And i quote

---Earlier, he had confessed to his parents that there was one thing about the day of the fire he had lied about. He said that he had never actually crawled into the children’s room. “I just didn’t want people to think I was a coward,” he said. Hurst told me, “People who have never been in a fire don’t understand why those who survive often can’t rescue the victims. They have no concept of what a fire is like.”---

End quote

-Crazed glass does not indicate a fire burned fast and hot. That's utter bullshit. Although if you had read the article you would understand why

Again i quote

----Another crucial piece of evidence implicating Willingham was the “crazed glass” that Vasquez had attributed to the rapid heating from a fire fuelled with liquid accelerant. Yet, in November of 1991, a team of fire investigators had inspected fifty houses in the hills of Oakland, California, which had been ravaged by brush fires. In a dozen houses, the investigators discovered crazed glass, even though a liquid accelerant had not been used. Most of these houses were on the outskirts of the blaze, where firefighters had shot streams of water; as the investigators later wrote in a published study, they theorized that the fracturing had been induced by rapid cooling, rather than by sudden heating—thermal shock had caused the glass to contract so quickly that it settled disjointedly. The investigators then tested this hypothesis in a laboratory. When they heated glass, nothing happened. But each time they applied water to the heated glass the intricate patterns appeared. Hurst had seen the same phenomenon when he had blowtorched and cooled glass during his research at Cambridge. In his report, Hurst wrote that Vasquez and Fogg’s notion of crazed glass was no more than an “old wives’ tale.”----

End quote

I apologize if i come off bitter but I'm sick of the justice system not only in the US hearing crap like this has happened but also in my own country the UK. Bloody mp twats stealing tax money and living in free housing while peoples healthcare and pensions are cut and thats just the tip of the iceberg. This world is fucking corrupt.

Oh and pictures of skulls? I have an iron man canvas on my wall in my house it doesn't mean that i want to prance around in metal Armour...although i admit that would be pretty awesome

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