TIL there is a mutation that causes bones to become 8 times denser than normal that allow people to walk away from car accidents without a single fracture but with a trade off of being unable to swim.

I've had a few similar experiences. I have had countless swimming lessons as a kid, I now work at sea and still cannot swim despite my trying. I cannot float at all, even after taking a massive breath. I sink like a stone.

I was hit by a massive 14" diameter pipe section that flew out of a lathe and was stopped mid-air by my skull. Lots of blood and it really hurt but no damage other than that.

As a teenager, I fell off a tractor doing 40kph/25mph, hit the road and walked away with a bit of road rash.

Had my feet stood on many times by cattle when I was growing up. No injuries at all.

Crushed by a bull as we were trying to get it out of the truck it was in. Major bruising and that's about it. I've never broken a bone and I've worked in agriculture and marine engineering. Lots of ligament damage, sprains and strains etc but not a single broken bone.

I'm of average height (5'10") and stocky build but my weight would have you thinking I was fairly large as I'm about 100-105kg (220-231 lbs) when in fact I carry it extremely well (according to the doctor who does my medicals for my work).

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - the-scientist.com