TIL a woman was commissioned to write a book about a presumed serial killer in Washington while the killer's identity was unknown. That killer turned out to be Ted Bundy, a close friend and former coworker of the writer

Thing is, when you are in a family/town/region of nutty people, the strange becomes routine. So, my great uncle killed his brother, and was committed because euthanasia was illegal. The brother who killed the other one was somewhat disabled(what we call aspergers now) and couldn't live on his own, so what might have been a manslaughter conviction and a year in prison turned into him just being warehoused for a few years until another relative agreed to take him in.

In my high school class, inside of 10 years, there were two murder suicides. And one rip roaring bar fight the night before the reunion festivities.

A friend of mine, his cousin killed his wife when she tried to run out the back door, and then killed himself. I knew pretty much all parties concerned, if only slightly, and that was pretty weird.

I inadvertently became a serial killer by proxy when I found out that one of the methods I contributed to A.S.H., ended up on the suicide methods list(most of them were jokes, some were practical enough to be tried) one had become a runaway success in Asia, and to some degree north america. I believe I listed 5 actual ways to generate monoxide, the most ghetto, and silly one, was what ended up on the list. Even more crazy, the mother of one of the victims decided she was out to get the people who made up that list. Before realizing most of those people probably killed themselves, or got help/into recovery for clinical depression/paranoia/assorted mental illness.

My crazy mother, who was bipolar/psychotic, left a trail of bodies across the US. All of them seemingly natural causes, but claimed she had used some sort of psychic power to bump them off for being just generally rotten human beings. And it was true, probably 60-70% were jerks, the remaining 30-40% were just annoying/dimwitted. The good news is, she's much better now, and on enough meds to sedate a pissed rhino. No casualties, but she did trade out like 5 cats over 10 years until she got a poofy orange one.

And then there's the people I worked with on various defense projects, and work that kept the military machine running. Probably 5000 people working for one company, and 20-30 thousand subcontractors. So if what we produced killed, maimed, and displaced 2.5 million plus over 10 years, thats only, what, 71 people per person victimized. Considerably less if you add in the 200,000 or so deployed members of the military, and 400-500 thousand in the logistic, warehousing, and transport chain. :D

A bit more than the average spree killer, much less than a determined serial killer. The difference is, serial killers only have to endure Aramark food AFTER they get sent to prison, not while dining at a cafeteria at work. lol! And OMFG, I'm pretty sure Aramark's rendition of Beef Yakisoba could be considered a war crime in and of itself. Worse, one week it came up TWICE in the rotation. Freaked out and thought I was inside a real version of Groundhog Day. Yeah, that was the week I went back on anti-depressants.

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