I think it's time this sub REALLY address this without just attacking it. Can we have a rational discussion about it?

Yes let's discuss this. Our cultural belief is that you can be who you want to be as long as you try hard enough. Those things that you cannot change should be accepted. It's echoed in the alcoholic's creed "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." As a fat person it is possible for me to change my eating and exercise habits. I see a dietitian and eat healthy, balanced meals. I exercise frequently. These are the things that I can do right now, today, to be a healthier and happier person. I cannot change my weight right now. I cannot take away my chubby thighs, my big ass, or my second chin. I can only make healthier life choices in the moment. I can order a grilled chicken salad instead of a cheeseburger and fries because eating these foods makes me feel energized and vital. I can take long walks with my dog and go to the gym, but I can't change my body. These habits may eventually manifest as changes in my physical appearance. In the past few years I've lost about 100 pounds. Over a period of a few years. I'm still fat though, just like the women in the picture. I've made the changes that I need to make to be a healthier person. I continue to make healthy choices, health-promoting choices, every day. I don't drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. I don't touch drugs or caffeine. I drink herbal tea and sparkling water. I get up at dawn and I get a full eight hours of sleep every night. I practice meditation. I go to multiple types of therapy. These are all things that are within my control. My weight today, isn't. I can't change the number on the scale. I can't change the jiggle of my thighs. I can't help feeling inferior, ugly, disgusting sometimes because of my excess body fat. That's why I need body acceptance. Because I've changed the things I can and I need to accept the things I cannot.

/r/BodyAcceptance Thread Link - i.imgur.com