[Serious] Has Anyone ever Committed Suicide Because of You, or Blamed You in a Note?

Wow. You are the shittiest and most disgusting human being I've seen on Reddit. Congrats. You make me sick. I hope you someday have enough courage and honesty to face what you've done instead of try and justify what a piece of shit you are by smack talking the girl you hurt and hiding behind your obvious lack of empathy.

If that girl's brother took a week torturing you to death with a piece of piano wire and a blowtorch I would post the article in r/Justicporn, because you would deserve it. Seriously, the worst things that can in happen in life: you have earned them all and may never complain again because you ruined another human beings life for entertainment and can't even face the damage you caused. Rape? You earned it. Abyuse Honestly, I think female circumcision and stoning -which ought to be banned from this Earth- may be the most appropriate response to unbelievably self centered narcissistic cunts like you who hurt others and take a vague pride in it. I can GUARANTEE you that I could FILL a football stadium with normal people who would pay top dollar to see that happen to someone like you. Understand that you are absolutely alone in your belief that you are somehow not responsible and that most people who have read your warped opinion would cheerfully line up to watch an awful piece of shit like you die.

With the exception of child rapists, you are the worst kind of human being in our society. We all make mistakes in life and hurt others, but your attitude towards the damage you did is gross it throws away any right you may have to compassion from the rest of us. To answer your sickeningly psychopathic question below: YES- you ARE supposed to feel guilt! When you intentionally hurt people so badly that it ruins their life you are supposed to feel shame to a degree that makes you question your role and value as a human being. That shame should follow you to your grave, you sick fuck. But your attitude is "everyone said she was weird so it's not my fault that I personally teased her until she'd rather die than face me again". Clearly you do not deserve the same consideration as actual human beings. You are, truly and literally, the worst our species has to offer. It makes me sad that your "friends" brother hasn't had the opportunity to very slowly kill you. I genuinely feel a rabid dog has more right to life than you do, because a rabid dog doesn't choose to be vicious nor does it try to rationalize itself like a slimy shit weasel. You are a slimy shit weasel.

In conclusion: I sincerely hope you die alone, scared, and in unbearable pain you disgusting subhuman fuck. Do your parents know to be ashamed of the slimy parasite they put into the world? Did your parents raise you to believe that relating to other people like this is ok? If so, I extend my bad wishes to your whole family.

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