Top lane main struggling with carrying and teamates

Thanks for the advice.

As for me raging, I don't... I know it might seem like I do XD but naw

Telling me to think the way of "I'm silver and they're silver just like you" imo is like telling a poor man he is poor and will always be poor I see how it can help with raging but like I said I don't flame cause it tilts and I know personally it sucks.

As for jayce yea I know he's high skill cap but I feel confident and know I still have tons more to learn I just want a more sophisticated rank to improve in rather than silver. Which is why I usually play LightCrusaderz jayce of split push and roam which I need to work on.

Susan, you're right I've actually stopped playing until I get higher up or unless I have a perfect comp or lane to play in with him I generally used to main him but not much anymore.

Garen I play more than anyone, I feel he's benefitted a lot this patch, darius less so but I still play him from time to time and he's alright but never can do anything with him once behind.

Lastly most of this was an exaggeration like blowing my head off, 1v9, etc. but used mostly to get the point off that I don't feel like anyone knows how to play. For example my brand mid went 0/6 in mid and fed the camping nocturne and lux. I told him ward up, simple. He never did, ignored it, cried, whined, and on top of it my ezreal went 0/4 the hec was good mechanically but terrible mentally and took stupid fights he shouldn't. Meanwhile I'm top lane jayce with a 50 cs advantage and 3/0/1 but my mid has already died 6 times, I've come back from worse but noc was unstoppable and I tried grouping but there was no damage besides me and that game truly was a 2v8 and I knew deep down inside I could've won that if I did something more. I'm going to start recording my matches more often and maybe I'll take you up on the offer ;] thanks again...

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