With the recent announcements about SoloQ and all the complaints about the direction of the game, I have one piece of advice for you all...

How did all of you not realize the moment Dynamic Queue was released that it wasn't going to change back to Solo Queue? They put money into this, months of work, and then they would just scrap it? Not likely. Come on guys, open your eyes. I'm a Solo Queue player and I absolutely hate Dynamic Queue but I think out of my ~420 games of Ranked this season I've come across 2 parties of 5, 5 parties of 3, and a 10 parties of 2. It's not so bad as to make it seem like the end of the world. It does need to be changed, certainly to punish those players abusing the system, but it isn't something to really go and do THIS over.

The role selection right now is absolutely shit tier and as a high elo player it feels terrible to read the article and see "We are going to be putting in a third role to autofill you in to the needed role to start the high elo game." Like what the fuck? No mention of a notification on the system, no way to avoid it, nothing. That's the one change that I hope they make because while I can play top, mid or support at a high Diamond level.. I definitely cannot play Jungle or ADC at that level.

The old system had it's upsides and downsides but people are forgetting how terrible it actually was. Do you remember how often and how many people trolled you because you were higher up on the pick list and you took the role they wanted? Do you remember how often you lost games because it put 3 ADC Mains in Queue together? I do.

As the point of the OP's post says, if you do not like League it is time to move on but your outrage just seems so misinformed, like you haven't been reading the articles they released with the information that makes you understand what and why they are doing things and instead saw "Solo Queue is not going to be released" and lost your mind. I may not agree with their idea but I understand it and realize that they are trying to make changes in the right direction that enables a better ranked experience.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread