Top Mind at The_D are relieved Trump won, as the alternative would have without a doubt brought along a new holocaust. This being despite the fact libruls are too tolerant.

I'm not bought and paid for and I really didn't like the idea of Sanders for president. He's way too ideological. Also the medicare for all bill was more generous that most healthcare in countries like Canada or the UK and didn't address the fact it would cost shit tons of money, it's not delusional to think that perhaps they might want to re-work it a bit so it actually had a chance of functioning. Also college isn't free in a lot of advanced nations, it just costs way less. Personally as someone who's family is well off and was able to pay for college out of pocket I think it would be fricking criminal of the state to waste money giving me free college, I'd much rather they put that towards grants for people who can't afford college because I think forcing young poor and middle class people to take out loans for education is disgusting. If they still have money left over I'd want them to spend the rest of that money on the criminally underfunded school systems of the country where a disproportionate amount of poor and minority students are being thrown in massive classrooms with inexperienced (and often unqualified) teachers. (honestly early childhood education should be a higher priority than college for people who actually care about equity any way, but a lot of sanders supporters were college kids and everyone, even liberals, ends up voting in their own self interests and caring more about issues that effect them.) Free college disproportionately benefits the middle and upper classes while a lot of poor kids aren't getting an education that will actually prepare them to go to college in the first place.

I don't see that as delusional, I see that as using your resources wisely.

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