Transgender, IMO....

I made a throwaway just for this because you're bringing up some really good points, but people will call you a bigot just for whispering them.

It makes me irate that "feeling like a woman" means wearing women's clothing, moving into women's spaces and appropriating women's lives. It's insulting and reductive to say we (women) are only our clothes and our makeup and our higher-pitched voices. Wearing dresses isn't a "feeling," so how can someone who "feels" like a woman believe he will die unless he gets to transition?

Transition into what -- a 1950's stereotype of a woman? A cartoon? A caricature of what people think women "should" be? Women don't become any more female when they put on a bra and panties or talk in falsetto. This ugly, gender-binary stereotype of pretty, pretty princesses who will just die if they can't slip into something pink and lacy sometimes feels as offensive and demeaning to me as blackface might feel to people of color.

It's really disturbing to me because the trans* movement seems to be aimed at erasing women and women's experiences. "The Vagina Monologues" was just discontinued at some college or another because it was considered offensive to assume that women have vaginas. Women's issues like birth control, maternity leave and abortion are tied to our biology, not what we "feel" like we are. In many countries, we're assigned to a non-voting, non-driving, non-working, uneducated under-class from the moment we're born, yet we're half the world's population.

And now someone who wants to wear a dress and thinks that's what womanhood means is going to tell us we can't talk about our bodies? That we can't have places that are just for women? That they understand what femaleness is like? I'm all for people wearing whatever they want to wear and expressing their identities and personalities however they like, but it's insane to me that 0.01% or so of the population is trying to assert its will over 50% of it.

I really hope in years to come that we stop pushing for trans* rights at the expense of women's rights. If someone has alien limb syndrome, it's treated as a mental illness, but if the alien bit is your penis, you're totally a woman just because you say so. People with anorexia believe they're fat, but we don't all play a game of make-believe and agree with them. We urge them to seek treatment for their body dysmorphia and distorted perspective.

As for all the man-brain and lady-brain stuff, we don't actually know how much of that is nature and how much is nurture. There are people who are intersex and people with gender dysphoria, but that does not make them women.

Maybe someday, we'll be okay with letting people wear what they want without having to call themselves something they aren't just to wear certain things or act certain ways.

/r/offmychest Thread