Trifling Tuesday - Petty People Unite

I really hate that Monat stuff. I HATE IT. I unfollowed someone on instagram a while back since most of their instastories are about how you should sign up, sales, blah, blah, blah. Drives me nuts. Typically if I like someone I'll watch all their videos so I've seen way more than will ever be relevant and when people ask questions in the comments they get non answer answers. If you have to be shady the product is shit.

Since I'm in a mood I was talking to my friend about how great it was that this one musical I wanted to see had cast their main players so diversely. It wasn't just a whole bunch of white people, and my friend just 'lolol' at me. I only even talked about it because it was a mutual interest and maybe diversity doesn't matter to her, but it's important to me. It just rubbed me the wrong way.

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