Trolls who have had both hormonal/non-hormonal IUDs, how do your experiences with them compare?

I have the Mirena (hormonal) and I have never had kids before.

Getting it put in wasn't a big deal. Yes, it is uncomfortable. They hold your cervix in place and weirdly that was the most uncomfortable bit for me. The actual inserting it was a pinch.. and then it was over. Then she snipped the string, and it was instant relief. I imagine this is different for everyone, but really it was no big deal. I live in a weed-legal state, so I took Aleve and smoked a weed vape for a day and the cramps went away pretty quick. Oh, plus heating pad.

I got mine put in-- hm, 3 months ago? For the most part, it's been pretty great. Obviously my body is still adjusting. My periods are weird-- I went from being a 3 day girl, to being a 7 day girl-- and then surprise spotting. However, the amount has drastically decreased.

I've invested in THINX underwear for this reason-- just makes things easy while my body adjusts over the 6ish months or so my doctor said it would take.

IUD has totally been worth it. I'm not worried or afraid of getting pregnant. Mentally, it's been a huge relief-- and weirdly, sexually. I'm able to be MUCH MORE relaxed now than I was before which has made sex more enjoyable.

I haven't had a down side yet other than dealing with the confused periods, which, my understanding, in time should go away.

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