Troubleshooting tools for remote VPN Users

Logs are your friend. A decent VPN solution will log connections. Lost, reconnecting, rejected, failure, disconnected, closed, etc. Is there indications of IPSec handshake or rekeying problems or any other IPsec errors?

We had a problem with someone that complained several times a week about not being able to remain connected via VPN. Pulled the logs. Showed they were disconnecting from the VPN, not losing the connection. Let management know. We watched them for a few weeks. When confronted with HR present, they admitted they were doing this when they didn't want to work. They no longer work here.

Figure out how to get your VPN device to stop responding to ICMP packets destined for remove VPN clients.

Go old school and enable SNMP on the remote client. Even if management or the sysadmins are hesitant about enabling SNMP on all of the remote clients, they will usually help you when there are a small number that are troublesome.

/r/networking Thread