Troy Leavitt - Damsels in Development

Really good video from veteran AAA developer. Explains how the lying and narrative pushing of feminist propaganda, advocacy journalism and SocJus (basically all the shit that started and fuels GG) is actually hurting their own supposed goals.

Since their advocacy was always more important, I wonder if the ring leaders ever cared for the welfare of women and minorities in the first place. Bitching and moaning endlessly about the malevolent patriarchy might feel good, but as we have seen they have often misdiagnosed the actual problem which then remained unaddressed and unsolved.

I would add that while diversity for diversity's sake is pointless and sometimes counterproductive, different people from different backgrounds will have had different life experiences. These can bring with them different approaches to problem solving, new ideas or unique insight. This is the merit of diversity, not a plastic Benetton ad for a staff picture in which everyone is just an ideological palette swap of each other.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Link -