Trudeau announces Canada is banning assault-style weapons

Well of course you are. Therein lies your answer. It's more about the gun fetish than it is self-protection now, isn't it.

I bet you grew up feeling weak, insecure, feeble. So you started to become interested in physical work. Being tougher. Looking tougher. Probably worked a few physical jobs. After all, you were pretty bad at academics so you didn't have many career prospects.

The military would provide a perfect avenue to find some security. They tell you what to do, how to think, and demand unconditional obedience as a result. Perfect for a weak mind with a lack of self-direction. And it allows you to feel tough and play with guns!

OOOOO fucking RAWWWWW. It's no wonder America is mocked globally as one of the phoniest, cringiest, nations full of morons who probably jump at their own shadow. Its highest national expense is a cult of unenlightened meat bags who drone on at the government's pace under the false impression that it's to rid to world of wrongdoing and triumph over evil. Really you're just a brainwashed, scared, man-child who needs a gun to feel safe at night, worshiping your perceived freedom while the government controls you.

Back to work, Private! That deck needs a scrubbin!! Do it for freedom and the constitution!!!

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