Trump has admitted that there are no Comey "tapes". Thoughts?

Dang bro, you're so #edgy.

Seriously though this kind of self-indulgent "it's just evolution baby" mindset is the most annoying and ill-thought out philosophy I ever have to listen to. All of what you said would maybe apply if we weren't by far the most evolved species on the planet. Don't tell me you're really going for pure darwinism here, because I know for a fact you're not. No one in the world, except maybe the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich are living in a darwinian society. Do you buy insurance of any kind? Because that's inherently un-darwinian (in the way you're using the term, at least). Do you think physically disabled people should be allowed to live? That's not very darwinian of you. Are you planning on quietly murdering your parents as soon as they are too old to directly contribute to society or benefit you personally? Have you ever held the door open for someone at a gas station?? Damn bro, you're just killing darwinism.

No, the rules of darwinism have clearly changed since mankind developed the modern intellect. We don't have to live in a dog-eat-dog world anymore. We've evolved past that, it's called "civilization." You should be embracing it, because it benefits all of us.

All of that is without even addressing the fact that living entirely for the benefit of yourself at the expense of anyone else is such an unfulfilling and empty way to live. Not to mention inherently dangerous to civil society. I bet if we had the same sort of extreme character vetting for regular citizens that Trump suggested we implement for immigrants, you wouldn't pass. Maybe try not living according to standards no better than unevolved wild animals, yeah?

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