CMV: America is not exceptional bastion of freedom anymore

I absolutely 100% guarantee you that there is more land to freely roam and even build campfires on and do whatever you want in the US than in all of the Nordic countries combined.

The property laws are different in America because we didn't have a feudal era and the country was founded on the idea of anyone being able to come here and own a piece of land. There's a personal sovereignty in America that's probably unmatched anywhere in the world. In some ways it's good, in some ways it's counterproductive.

"Freedom" in the eyes of a European is kind of biased, I always think. Europeans think of freedom as the freedom to do what they value. You value walking on other people's land and lenient jail sentences it appears. In the US, the freedom is more like having the freedom to do whatever you value no matter who you are. There's a level of cultural diversity in America, that's respected by the rule of law, that's unparalleled anywhere else in the world. The US government puts zero effort into assimilating people.

All that being said, of course America isn't perfect. Of course America has problems. There's race relations, police violence, income inequality, and all kinds of things going on. A lot of it is exacerbated by the freedom people have to be complete dicks to each other. It's not always the ideal place to live for everyone. Hopefully progress on some real painful issues will be resolved soon.

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