Trump golfs, tweets on Thanksgiving Eve, while Obama fed homeless veterans

This will probably get buried but I feel the need to share this experience with someone while I still remember it.

I had a very vivid dream last night involving Trump. I was looking at some kind of calendar/spreadsheet where it said I had saved Trump's daughter from a kidnapping and that I was going to be rewarded $1,000 for my heroic actions. The funny thing is I don't even remember that part of the dream (the saving from kidnapping rescue mission) -- maybe that'll be in the prequel.

So, naturally, I called Trump on my phone because that's totally normal and who doesn't have Trump's personal phone saved to their contacts? I remember it was kind of hard to get through to him because people were trying to prank call him while he was talking to me (I saw the caller ID of the prank callers and they were all teenage girls for some reason).

Anyway, the conversation was over quickly and when I went back to look at the spreadsheet/calendar amalgamation it did indeed say that $1,000 had been transferred to my PayPal. And I thought to myself: wow, Trump actually paid me what he promised. He seems like a pretty good guy!

This is where some kind of mini-arc exploring the budding friendship between me and Trump took place. I think we went to a theme park or something. Surprisingly I don't remember any golfing.

At some point I began to doubt the validity of all of this. The idea that I was going to have $1,000 on my bank account in 4 days for a heroic deed I don't remember ever doing was too good to be true.

So, I went to look at the transaction informarion again and to my horror I didn't see a $ in front of the 1K, but rather a weird "B" that I can only assume is the symbol for Bitcoin.

The fucker swindled me. I remember checking the conversion rate of BC to $ within the dream and it was something like $73. I don't even know if that's accurate or not. But yeah, I tried to call him to complain but I never could reach him again and that's where the dream ended.

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