Trump plunges to 34% in new IBT/TIPP poll. Now at 49% with white men.

If you ever met him and knew him like I do , you would never guess he was a Trump supporter. I've been with an abusive, terrible man. It keeps me from demonizing all Trump supporters because I live in southern Ohio where being a Trump supporter is essentially a trend. Everybody I know and love voted for Trump.if I denounced everybody I knew and loved because they were Trump supporters then I would have no one left but my son and that's if his dad (my ex) didn't put me in jail for kidnapping.

Not all of these people are evil. I swear it's got to be a psychological group mentality thing. It is very painful to live where I live but it does give some perspective and while I still think they are bat shit crazy, when you watch it affect everyone you know and love, you see it for what it is. It's almost a religion. A cult. Some people are starting the snap out of it and some people are starting to lean out of it.

That being said I don't expect my boyfriend to change his views on Trump. It also creates dialogue because he is forced to face facts when I'm around. I've gotten him to come around on a couple of issues but I always have to come at it from a wholly economic point of view. Some people just don't give a shit about anyone but their family and them selves. But that's not just Trump supporters that's just Ohioans in general

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