Trump says US should put ‘Chinese flag on jets and bomb Russia'

So there's more than a couple reasons why what you say makes no sense.

First and foremost, what he proposed violates the Geneva convention, so there's that. Then he wants to lie and blame another country to try and start a war between the two, which has a high likelihood of involving nuclear weapons if his Dr. Evil level thinking works out. Interesting ethical thought process, don't you think?

Second, do you know the fight range of a F22? If you don't, it's not too Russia and back. So what he is proposing is a suicide mission that would require the F22s to fly over the North Pole, get refueled by KC-135s over the artic, then fly a bombing mission. They wouldn't have enough fuel to return, which means even if they weren't shot down they would crash in the artic circle and likely not be recovered. Same thing would apply to the refuelers. So he's ok with killing Americans to commit a war crime.

Next, in reference to my second point, is the geography of the matter. You see, China is southeast of the major Russia military and population centers. In order for our bombers to reach Russia, the planes would be coming from the North. Now, please explain how exactly that would fool Russia? I know Trump is the result of the American education system, but Jesus my 7 year old daughter knows the difference between North and South.

Finally - and here's the real sticking point - he thinks that "painting" a Chinese flag on a F22 will make the entire world think the Chinese did it. Do you know what fighter jets there Chinese use? Here's a hint, not F22s. They use a completely different plane that looks nothing like the F22.

TL;DR: the president wants to commit a war crime that works result in the death of all aircraft crews in the artic or over Russia and is dumb enough to think painting a flag on a plane that the other country doesn't have them flying from the opposite direction would fool anybody, all in order to trigger a war between two nuclear powers.

Please tell me your decision was to not vote.

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