Trump silent on Paul Pelosi attack

"And- and I want to remark... you know, make a mark, a big remark: I've been assaulted. Huge assault. Left injuries. Doctors told me I wasn't going to make it. 'Oh that Donnie, son of a gun, who thought a hammer would do this guy in?' This guy, me, I mean... guns are dangerous. Far dangerous than a hammer. Ever seen a hammer? It's so small. Just small. But I made it. Healthiest I ever been. No, no hammers at all. Said I did more damage to the hammer.

You know, democrats. They use these hammers like they're weapons. They don't want guns, oh no, they say 'take the guns away, give people hammers!', and I say, well, this is... this is what happens, you see, and I mean this from experience. I've been at war. Big war man. Avoid it when necessary. War is never good unless America is in big trouble. Big trouble with hammers, but... we must be sure everyone is America, especially our poor republicans- they are good. Good people need their guns. Their guns are their rights."

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