Trump to unveil new U.S. responses to Iranian 'bad behavior': White House

What I'm saying is that there's actually more than ample reason to criticize trump and that those who felt so free to make wild accusations before both cannot take a lick of what they dish out but are now defending some of the very things they were so self righteously condemning less than a year ago. Suddenly jobs numbers are real again, golfing every weekend is fine, infidelity is just peachy, executive orders on a daily basis is fine again as well as the threatening of Congress, and the sanctity of marriage is no longer that much a concern.

I'm saying the right wing is off it's rocker and wrapped up in a cult of personality, (the likes of which makes the Obama lady look like a moderate,) that excuses everything and relies on whataboutisim and disconnected media to cry victim and play innocent, when by their very actions and words they have invited this.

Everyone else is lying everyone else is stupid Everything is going amazingly and nothing is wrong with anything, the left is just pouting over their loss.

It's all very childish and belligerent.

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