[Tulpas Only!] Any experiences with romance?

Ravi and I were together for two years. (Rather not go into detail about why we broke up or whatever, but ffs nobody cry about it. Ne and I are still anari and we're still best friends, and THAT is worth celebrating.)


• Neither of us had a reason to miss the other, because we were always together.

• We were always able to get a hold of one another; no texting and wondering why the other didn't text back. We could just shout and the other person would always answer.

• If we were in a particularly unromantic or unsexy tting, we could imagine one that was more romantic/sexy.

• Roleplaying; enough said.

• Being able to communicate telepathically (we call it OTR'ing -- Off the Record -- it shows up in the form of iPhone messages) and no one else would be able to see or hear it.

• We could make out in class and no one would ever know. Reaaally fun way to pass time, I'll tell ya that xD

• We fell asleep in each other's arms every night. (I always looked forward to going to bed for that very reason.)

• Minimal fights, and the fights we did have seldom lasted long.

• Neither of us ever felt pressured to do anything we didn't want to. Everything was 100% consensual and comfortable, and if one of us thought we went too far it was mutually understood and not seen as a bad thing.

• Dates could be literally anywhere we wanted, whether I was sitting on a rock or in an Italian restaurant of many fancy.

• I didn't really feel pressured to look any which way because I knew Ravi liked me anyway.

• I never felt alone or unloved.


• When we went back to being friends, it was a difficult transition because we started off as more than friends. (So I would really advise you to be friends with your tupper first.)

• The fact that Ravi was a part of my mind didn't make nem immune to me being paranoid about nem (I have symptoms of Paranoid Personality Disorder and I even got paranoid when it comes to my tups -- yes, even Ravi. And let me tell you this: If you get paranoid about your tups cheating on you or wanting to hurt you, YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME.)

• I couldn't sleep naked anymore.

/r/Tulpas Thread