u/hazie explains why we, as a community, should consider stopping the Mel Gibson hate train.

No. I can forgive him for the homophobic comments (as someone who's bi, but obviously a lot of people won't forgive him and that is a valid feeling too) because I think he's tried to make up by participating in LGBT film festivals etc. But I will not forgive him for his fucking horrible comments about Jews. This was a guy who was a good actor, a good director, and he made a film filled with stereotypes which got us killed for centuries. He didn't go by what has been the Catholic teachings for decades, went with something which is specifically against the Vatican's teachings and used stereotypes which have followed us around since the very first pogrom. People have been slaughtered for being Jewish for years because they were considered the real killers of Christ. Imagine making a film depicting Jews killing little children and using their blood to make matzah. Sounds discriminatory? It's really the same thing. That too were teachings in the church, in fact stories about it led to sites of pilgrimages being made, and again has been discredited- like the Vatican too has changed its position on Jews being Christ killers. Thousands of Jews have been killed for exactly what he showed. And then he blames us for wars?

In many historic wars, Jews were especially vulnerable. They were considered, even in times of peace, to be traitorous, to be cowardly. Some people still think that- the Belarusian president made a comment a few years back saying Jews don't like getting their hands dirty or fight. If there was a murder, suspicion would fall on them. A Christian gets killed? That could well start a pogrom. And imagine in a time of war when people were making up lies about their enemies and were looking for traitors, especially if the war effort was failing and the leaders needed a scapegoat, what people would do to Jews and other local outcasts like the Roma, for example. It happened again and again and again, including in WW1. He's spouting off anti Semitic shit which has got people murdered before, murdered many times.

And his racist comments...hopefully that's self explanatory. But as I'm not exactly his intended target for that, I'll just say his comments were disgusting. And that's missing out on sexism and allegations of domestic violence! I'm not saying he's all evil at all. He's made some pretty good films and was a pretty good actor, but that doesn't make him nice. I think he has in some ways paid back towards the LGBT community and I will not continue to dislike him for that. But he's said anti Semitic, racist, misogynistic things over his career. When he apologises, speaks out against all of them, directs some of his money towards organisations involved with racism, sexism, anti semitism etc, then fine. I personally have forgiven him for his homophobic comments because he has done something about them. That's it.

/r/bestof Thread Link - np.reddit.com