/u/lautenzupfer explains in great detail why Germans don't trust the US any more

And it is for this reason sociopaths and narcissists are much more likely to succeed in business and groups where loyalty is valued over character.

If you view the world in terms of what you gain from others, China is trustworthy, sure.

If you think trust is defined somewhat along the lines of having ulterior motives, maybe not so much. You can trust that the US is being upfront that it wants a better deal, in its typical emotional two year old way, just like you can trust that a two year old doesn’t want to go to sleep when he throws a tantrum at night. But if Ted Bundy is being super friendly to you and you start saying you trust him more than your two year old because Ted at least sticks to his word, I’d say your values are a bit misplaced.

/r/bestof Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com