U.N. Secretary General: The very nature of work will change; Governments may have to consider stronger safety nets and eventually, universal basic income.

UBI is a handout.

I'm not the kind of person who sugar-coats my thoughts for those who require hand-holding because they are too sensitive to deal with straight talk. I don't care about downvotes, but I do care that someone disagrees and doesn't have the nerve to explain why.

For god's sake if they can't handle straight talk online, life is going to be really hard on them.

UBI isn't the real problem though.

I think the problem is that the people in charge will not long want to bother with feeding and entertaining billions of non-working people.

They'll convince themselves that it is unsustainable for the planet and pointless to do.

Would not be surprised to learn that sterilization would be a requirement for anyone who wanted to receive UBI. After all, if you aren't going to work, you shouldn't add children/burden to the planet. It would be a simple way to cull the herd.

I am not suggesting that I would approve of that, but I am suggesting that it is part of the future in a UBI workless world lead by a small number of elite who soon tire of taking care of the masses for no discernable reason other than shared humanity.

I've known too many at the top to believe they care about shared humanity.

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