U w U

How’s about fuck off? That statement makes me actually pissed the fuck off, because it could not be further from the situation I’m currently in, and am set to be in in the future.

I’m in college, and a good one at that, in the secondary honors program at University of Maryland college park. I’m on the cycling team, I’m an ambassador for my schools student led sustainability program, I’m on the hiking club, and I’ve received regional recognition for sculptures, drawings and paintings I made in high school from scholastic. I also literally went to a holiday party with my studio mates from high school on the 23rd, and am planning on going to a New Year’s Eve party with another friend from high school. I may be introverted, but I still make an effort to go out whenever I’m not working. I can go on, and I can offer photo and or video evidence for nearly all of this.

Of course you’re gonna state that you don’t care about any of that, and can make totally accurate judgments of my personality based on triggered reddit comments I made towards something I hate and you feel attachment towards. Do you do that often?

/r/Cringetopia Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it