UFC Announces Drastic New Drug Testing Program, Goes into Effect July 1

can't argue with pot. as there's science behind it

suspensions have occured in other sports due to drunk driving and felonies. see nfl. heck when the xfl was around (remember that? if you do, don't worry you're quazi old like me), vince fire anyone that was charged with a felony. i am in favour of that. do you think a job will keep you around long if you call into to work going 'hey i just got arrested for a dui or beating my wife'. same principle except they're in a limelight

while yes this is a sport where the intent is to punch another guy in the face, and will never be one of the 'big three' (or four if you're a canadian like i am and include hockey). it will however be a major sport that will (hopefully) be consider a sport with a large fan base for years to come.

i personally am not in favour of PED's because after a few years in the army, i've actually seen what that shit can do to a body if you continiously cycle (one reason why i never did anything like that). that shit seriously messes with you. i've had three buddies end up in the hospital from juicing and their liver and kidneys essentially shut down. not cool man. it's scary shit to see that. i'm suprised there hasn't been more issues like that with mma. most fans of the ufc, they've never gotten to see what this stuff can do the human body in person so they tend to ignore/reduce what the effects are of some of this stuff the guys are doing.

as stated before, want to know what might happen? look at chris benoit. this could be a scenario that happens in the ufc one day (probably not as careers tend to be much shorter than a wrestler), then what? put in knee jerk reactions like the ufc is doing now when it should have occurred years ago?

there's reasons why governments across the world have made ped's illegal, because they shorten life, weaken immune systems in the long run, can destroy your bodys organs as they can not handle the strain put onto them, and can turn your into a drooling brainless 50 year old that can not function as it's eaten away at your spinal canal

/r/ufc Thread Link - bleacherreport.com