Finished hours and hours of mediation, getting all the legal papers written up and my stbx wants to make changes...

Look I get it, you are personally dealing with a deadbeat dad and have dug into the "men's rights" movement and decided that ALL men now fall under that category since you got burned by one man. Based your other posts I would agree that your ex is a pile of shit, some people are shitty, welcome to life. But you are over projecting your situation onto others with very wide assumptions. Here is all we know about OP's stbx

My stbx moved out and has been living with friends for 4 months... so he hasn't had an over night in all that time. He is getting his one bedroom apartment starting the first of march and we will be able to begin our actual parenting plan. I can obviously see why he wants to spend more time with our son- he hasn't been able to see him more than once a week!!

Even OP has a firm understanding that this father "wants" more time with his son. No where in that does it appear that he has abandoned the son or had intentions of that.

I am a man and a father and even I think the the "men's rights" movement is utter and complete bullshit. I just don't understand your vitriol to this father and his potential situation. Do you know what gives those men's rights idiots validation? People like you give them the validation they seek. There are good fathers in this world that deserve equal time with their children in cases where there are not extreme issues. Maybe your son 20 years in the future finds himself facing losing his kids, your grandchildren, will you tell him that he does not deserve a chance at that because he is a man?

Do you work? How is it possible that you can balance the duties of a job and at the same time raise a child? You yourself are likely proof that a person can work and raise a child. What do you do when you have to pay attention to a work task, do you abandon your child, do the police show up when you check email and consequently glance away from your child?

I raise my children while I work. Just this morning I made breakfast for them while on a conference call. Guess what, they are still alive at this hour and functioning. It's not like I am running a steel foundry in my house, i am just clicking keys and mice on a computer, it's pretty darn easy for me to walk over and help with a geometry homework problem.

/r/Divorce Thread