Ultimate God CYOA Redux - Update - By Aromage


. Creation


. Mortal +1 relic


. Lonesome road +2 companion slot

. Mythical title:

. The Herald

.Angelic customization:

. Prime Angel + 1 instability +5 angelic powers & 3 forms

. Angelic forms:

. Humanoid Form

. Dimensional form

. Animal Form

.Angelic powers:

. Celestial scholar

. Heir of Michael

. Cyber-Wings

. Wonder Maker

. Cherubim

Angelic Instability:

. Whisper

. Relics:

.Normal Relics:

. The Master Bolt

. The spark of reality

. The light of creation

. Grand Relic:

. Ultimate Robes

.Starting Powers: 100cp

. Immortality


. Mobility

. Fluidity

. Extrival - Advanced Written -2

. Form Shifting: 98cp

. Creation Form - Free

. Life Forms -3

. Heart Forms -3

.Aspect Powers: 95cp

. Space Power:

. Matter Master - 5cp

.Time Powers:

. Techno Ascendant - 5cp

. Life Powers:

. Carbon sculptor -5cp

. Terran Renewal -5cp

. Death Powers:

. Weaver of Destiny -5cp

.Creation Powers:

. Days of Genesis -5cp

. Alpha and Omega -5cp

. Recreator -5cp

.English Song - Free

. Yahweh's Host - Free

. Brahmas Might - Free

. Destruction :

. Armageddon Blade -5cp

.Dionysian Rage -5cp

. Unity Powers:

. Weak and Strong -5cp

. Blood of the Covenant -5cp

. Light Powers:

. Paths Illuminated -5cp

.Darkness Powers :

.Monsters Maw -5cp

. Heart Powers :

. Eros Touch -5cp

. Mind Powers:

. Psionic Godhood -5cp

.Athenian Mind -5cp

Miscellaneous Powers:

.Divine Senses

. Cosmic Presence

. Samsara


. Divine Size

. The open Mind - Free

.Unveil The Webs -3cp

. Soc Semper senibus

.Basic Tirades: +7cp

. Late Bloomer +5cp

.Court: +6CS

. Ruby- The Ironstar -1

. ME-DAL -1

. Rhoma Nochta -1

. Daoris -2

. Xenos -1

/r/makeyourchoice Thread Link - imgur.com