Unacknowledged UFO Documentary Exposing Govrnment Lies From The Mouths Of Their Very Own Official's

The Boston bombing was a false flag directed by Steven Spielberg's younger brother Matt Spielberg. Who, not everyone knows this, was molested by Cuck-brick during the filming of the moon landing- it was filmed in the bottom of a DC pizza place... Where are the stars huh? WHERE ARE THE STARS? THAT PROVES THE EARTH IS FLAT AND EXPLAINS JEW JET FUEL AND GAY FROGS. LOSERS. DEAL WITH IT! ANYONE WHO BELIEVES NELSON MANDELER IS ALIVE ALSO THINKS VACCINES ARE NOT KILLING OUR BABIES! VACCINES ARE JUST A WAY TO MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE IN DIVERSITY. WAKE UP NORMIES.

Do you remember seth richierich? I do every morning with a bowl of Wikileaks every day and night and night and day.

Our Father, who art in the white house,

hallowed be thy advisers;

thy king's going to cum;

Environments and Asses will be done;

Give us our fake news and our daily tweets;

and remind us that we are to blame;

Forever is our fear and misery our guiding light;


TL;DR- If you cant fuck it, cuck it.

/r/videos Thread Link - youtube.com