Unionists must prepare for inevitable border poll, says leading loyalist - Former UVF commander Billy Hutchinson says unionists should debate a united Ireland

I know it's a long way down the road, I would advocate an independent Northern Ireland who are not tied to Britain or Ireland. The main reason is that since its formation, there hasn't been an adequate or fair opportunity to discuss issues between the two communities, due to mainly the Troubles and more recently shit 'themmuns' politicians.

I'm tired of reading scandal after scandal from Unionists abusing their powers since 1924, or Nationalists/Republicans refusing to participate. Fact of the matter is, they don't care about the interests of the people who elect them in. So to me, their policies on anything are futile and pointless. We should be advocating doing away with old identity politics and towards a new self-sufficient country. We have too much violent history to be thrown away to be a part of any other country but our own.

I dont belong to Dublin, I don't belong to London, I belong to Belfast and I hope future generations will focus on each other and not what some big ideology dictates them to.

/r/northernireland Thread Link - irishtimes.com