Unjerk Thread of November 08, 2018

I can't believe ye fucks are making me take on this hill.

A) The discussion about loli and "15 year olds" is disingenuous as fuck, because those exact same people will go around calling people pedos for pretty much liking any anime girl that doesn't has massive balloon tits and giant thighs. Flat chested does not equal loli.

A.5) The artstyle plays a huge part on it too which kind of makes things fairly weird, depending on the artist. "Moe" does not equal "kid", as the girls on something like Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, or Girlish number are Moe as fuck, but also basically all of them act and look like adults. With dragon maid having one literal loli.

B) Moe being sexualized being in bad taste is up for debate, but that doesn't has much to do with age. I can totally just go draw Ciri from witcher 3 in a really Moe style in a sexual position, that is not being a pedo, she is like 20-ish in TW3.

C) If thinking Rin or Saber are hot makes you a pedo, then violent videogames make you a murderer.

This is also without mentioning the weird tendency of anime fans and their social recluse (incel) tendencies to go full "3DPD" (meaning "3-Dimensional Pig Disgusting") where they basically hate real people and stop being sexually attracted to anything that inst anime. Which yes by itself carries weirder and way worse implications, but it's required to know that to have the entire conversation.

TLDR; "Flat chested anime girl" doesn't equal lolicon ye fucks. Kobayashi is not a loli just because shes Moe a f and flat.

/r/Gamingcirclejerk Thread