Unpopular Opinion over Kaguya Sama Love is War

  1. I don't utterly despise the Osaragi arc. It's muddled, confused, and Aka could have done much better, but it's not so bad that it becomes about Kaguya gaslighting Iino or what have you. You can rightfully criticize that arc for a lot of things, but many of the takes about it are just bad.
  2. 278 is a fine ending for Iinogami, taking into account that it really wasn't properly built up for a confession like what Kaguprez got. Aka mishandled the ship, but having them confess at the last second wouldn't fix it.
  3. The war arc was just lame, and not any worse. Not good, but not some writing catastrophe that ruined the manga. Though I dislike it, I also feel like it was sorta necessary. The question of how to deal with the Shinomiyas had to be answered somehow, and I don't see some obvious, better alternative for what we got. There is certainly a best of all possible and impossible worlds version of Kaguya where the war arc is really really good, but I don't think its issues are as simple as excising the helicopter from existence.
/r/Kaguya_sama Thread