Unpopular opinion thread?

I wasn't sure whether you were joking, but I checked your comment history and apparently you're serious. You appear to honestly hold that opinion. Wow, you really are a terrible person. I want you to know that everyone you interact with, everyone who cares about you, and everyone you care about would probably hate you if they knew about that comment you made. You are the worst sort of person on this planet. You would've been a Nazi if you were born in 1930s Germany or an ISIS member if you were born in modern Syria or a Khmer Rouge member if you were born in communist Cambodia. People like you are responsible for all of humankind's worst atrocities.

Needed to vent about that.

If you can somehow convince me that you actually were not being serious with both comments, I take that back and apologize. But it really doesn't look like that'll be the case and I sincerely hope you'll change your views someday.

/r/teenagers Thread Parent